Katie Hayoz
Genre: YA Paranormal
Release Date: April 3, 2013
ISBN: 978-0988997479
Pages: 350
Word Count: 85,000
Release Date: April 3, 2013
ISBN: 978-0988997479
Pages: 350
Word Count: 85,000
Sixteen-year-old Sylvie isn’t comfortable in her own skin. In fact, there are times she can’t even manage to stay inside it. But if there is one thing she’s sure of, it’s her love for Kevin Phillips. She’s willing to stake everything on it –her family, her friends, and possibly her soul.
Book Description:
Sylvie has been best friends with Cassie forever. But everything is turned around when the boy Sylvie’s loved since fifth grade falls for Cassie. Devastated, Sylvie intends to get Kevin by any means possible, even if it involves treachery, deceit, and the dark side of astral projection. She is positive her plans will give her what she wants, but she doesn't count on it all spiraling out of control.
Finalist in the Mslexia novel competition, Untethered by Katie Hayoz explores the intoxicating and dangerous world of jealousy and obsession when coupled with paranormal ability. It is a touching, sometimes funny, sometimes heart-breaking novel that speaks to the self-doubt lurking in us all.
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is an opposite other teenagers, struggling to see what is in front of her, ...
bullying at school and issues in her family. After spending yet another summer being tested because everyone thinks she is crazy because her spirit can leave her body, Sylvie is regrettably staring her junior year of high school with her best friend, Cassie. After Sylivie realizes that Cassie has become popular over the summer and caught the eye of her secret crush, Kevin, jealousy and self doubt begins consuming and feeding into her need to learn to handle her ability. After hatching a plan to rectify all that has gone horribly wrong in her life, will all be right in the world?
bullying at school and issues in her family. After spending yet another summer being tested because everyone thinks she is crazy because her spirit can leave her body, Sylvie is regrettably staring her junior year of high school with her best friend, Cassie. After Sylivie realizes that Cassie has become popular over the summer and caught the eye of her secret crush, Kevin, jealousy and self doubt begins consuming and feeding into her need to learn to handle her ability. After hatching a plan to rectify all that has gone horribly wrong in her life, will all be right in the world?
I really enjoyed this book. I will be honest to say it took me a little bit to get into it. And I've never read a plot like this before, and it's certainly a creative one. *spoiler*
I wish Cassie could have been honest with Sylvie about her feelings,
thought. They seemed to have the type of relationship that should have
withstood that.*spoiler* The written was smooth and natural, and made for a quick, wonderful read.
Untethered Excerpt by Katie Hayoz
October 28th
I’m stuck in this body. And I can’t get out.
I stare at my arms. These arms. They’re not mine, but I’m wearing
them. They’re thick and muscular and covered in hair. The veins run like rope
down the insides.
I squeeze my eyes shut for the hundredth time, hoping that when I
open them, I’ll look down and see my own thin arms. My own delicate veins.
I don’t.
Oh, God, do I need help. I need help. Now.
I stand and my head spins. Grabbing onto the desk, I wait for the
dizziness to pass. Wait for my head to clear. It doesn’t happen.
I look from the desk to the bed to the floor to the walls and see
where I am. Clarity won’t come. Can’t come. Because I’m not where I’m supposed
to be.
My eyes travel to the mirror and the face staring back in terror.
“Please,” I say. The face says it back, but sloppily. Like a drunk. “Please,” I
beg again. “Where are you?” This time the words feel formed. This time my lips,
his lips, work the way I expect them to. Or close to it.
But there’s no response.
I lift a hand. Take a step. My movements are staccato. Jerky.
Clumsy. Like electrodes are flexing these muscles. Not me. Everything about
this body is heavy and long. I take another step forward and it’s smoother, but
I’m not used to the bulk of this body.
And I don’t want to get used to it.
I want out. Of him. Of here.
Thank you so much for hosting me today and for having taken the time to read and review Untethered! I really appreciate it!